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CH and Bio engineers kicked out of swg

Relevant news about Creature Handlers and SWGCreatures
Expert Kashyyyk Biologist
Expert Kashyyyk Biologist
Posts: 165
Joined: Sat Nov 27, 2004 4:42 pm


Postby martyk » Tue Nov 08, 2005 8:48 pm

[quote:bb6f4e1495=\"Juicer\"]I hear World of Warcraft has a good CH system kinda thing[/quote:bb6f4e1495]

If I'm gonna quit, I'm not gonna join a different MMORPG. I tried that before. Quit SWG for about 2 months to play City of Heroes. But it couldn't compare. And I missed my pets. I come back, because I see an update that talks of lvl 80 pets. And now, a month later, they change thier minds and say no pets. BLARG!!!! I spent 2 hours taming a blistmok. Spent 50k on a full suit of taming clothes. And now it's all obsolete. And a bit off topic but, to top it off, I try to go on test center to try out the update, and I can't get by the tutorial! GOD!!!! When the devs asked people what they wanted when they came up with this, who exactliy did they ask!?! Anyway, I shall miss having discusions about taming and bio crafting and sampling and hunting with all of you. I'm not leaving SWG yet, but if I do then Marnix Domingo of Flurry bids you farewell.
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jun 16, 2004 7:20 am
Location: Madrid, Spain

Hugs to you, chs

Postby roabbracca » Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:10 pm

Hello there, 666 days playing, and from long ago, the wookiee jedi leader of TRF, a big rebel guiuld in infinity. When i was an hologrinder, my second holo told me to become a creature handler, what disapointed me. at the few days i was enjoying it so much that i delayed my grind into jedi 7 months. After that time i started my walk into jedi prof again, dropping ch, and i cryed in real life the last time i called my pets, hug them all, then i walked the force path...alone.
Since then those friends of me remain in my datapad, and now i fear ill never see them again.

Nice, soe, thx, we walked by hours into the most dangerous places just to tame a baby, im sure not a single sony dev has feel the joy of be succesful into tame a rare pet, and amaze your ch friends. Honour to you, good players, ill keep posting to make ch prof be back.
Hello friends. in my path i had to make CH, now i cant drop it, i love my pets too much and only want to keep finding real rares ones. i have the arachne widow and the mantigrue screecher, looking for the bull rancor and the great plains stalker.
Expert Kashyyyk Biologist
Expert Kashyyyk Biologist
Posts: 165
Joined: Sat Nov 27, 2004 4:42 pm

Postby martyk » Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:56 pm

Seeing as many people are deciding to make momentoes and shrines to CH, I've decided to create the most imortalizing thing of all to honour CH until the end of exsitance. A flash movie! So, I'm getting to work on it and I'll notify you when it's completed. Personally, I can't wait to see how it comes out.
Posts: 26
Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2004 4:49 am


Postby Husarz » Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:55 am

[quote:f8de1f429e=\"Kutsumi\"]/hugs all

This is too much for me, I loved this profession and have been one for 2 years. I was just really getting back into things with the new expansion and the new pets to find.. and now this.

We get to keep our title and I'm gonna have it on and create a macro that says 'Has anyone seen my little baby chuba?!' whenever I go to Mos Eisley in order to remind new players of what was once THE most immersive profession to play in this game.

We only account for 1% of the player base, according to SOE, and that is exactly what made us so special!!

It's going to be very lonely out there without my cats following me around or my Kimo shaking the ground.

We are only 1% coz they destroyed this profession long time ago, SOE pigs. I se ya 2 years in SWG so ya rememer times when ewryone, and i men EWRYONE, was at last part CH. So saying that we are just 1% basicaly pissing me off (sorry). They have to confese that its just 1% coz THEY f*cked this once great profession... sorry but im so upsed, i dunno what to do... Prolli my SWG time is over now...
Thank you for all those years whith this greate site!

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