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Re: milkable

Postby » Mon Feb 16, 2004 1:25 pm

[quote:31b5fb5fd0=\"vinwoowka(kauri)\"]the brackaset
the piket
the ball
the humbaba
the kimurra

for milk
it 's a little list[/quote:31b5fb5fd0]

Paralopes are also milkable.

Postby » Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:51 pm

The \"Fixed CHs being able to tame a BE pet higher level than they can control\" was like this...

Non-CHs were running around with level 40 BE pets, calling them out of thier datapads and controlling them fine. That has all been stopped now since Pulbish 6. When the non-CHs try to call out these big BE pets now they get a message saying the pet is beyond thier control level.

So I am sorry to say Greegori that your level 72 Gurreck is still not going to be usable when it is fully grown.

Postby » Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:24 pm

Swirl Prongs on endor are milkable. And their milk is quite good on Naritus


Postby rexmundi » Sun Feb 22, 2004 7:57 pm

sharnaff also have milk! :evil:

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