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DNA can now be viewed and sorted in the search listing

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DNA can now be viewed and sorted in the search listing

Postby Juntao » Wed Feb 04, 2004 1:33 am

You can now display DNA sample data in the search listing. The DNA data that is displayed per creature is the average of the highest quality samples for that creature. For example, if a rancor has 3 HQ samples and 2 Average samples entered, what you would see displayed is the average of the 3 HQ samples in each category (Hardiness, Fortitude, etc). There is also a field to tell you what quality the average samples come from.

This also allows you to sort on DNA categories (Hardines, Fortitude, etc). This is something I think many of you will find very useful.

You will have to enable the output of DNA data to the search listing. In order to do so, you must make the selection in your user profile on the site, which in turn requires that you be registered.

Be advised that enabling the DNA data output in the search listings will cause your pages to load a little slower. The query required to gather the data is a bit more complex than normal.

As always, let me know of any bugs you happen to come across!
Juntao Ta'kor
Master Creature Handler
Ahazi Galaxy

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