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DNA searching is online!

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DNA searching is online!

Postby Juntao » Mon Jan 05, 2004 7:47 pm

Well, now has DNA searching! Want to find all creatures with AR1 and 600+ Cleverness? As usual, just use the Advanced Search link!

Also, you will now see a small icon in the creature listings - that will alert you to a creature in the listing with DNA data available. Either click the DNA link from the details page or just click on the icon to see the DNA data for the creature.

You will see averages for each sample quality listed, as well as each sample taken!

I will hopefully have a Template creation tool in place soon that will allow you to simply pick your creature and sample quality and have it generate a possible combination.

The more data that is entered, the more accurate the listings, so help out by entering in your sample data!

Also, after subtle pressure from a few of you, as well as rising cost with keeping the site up due to increased popularity, I have decided to put up a Paypal donation link. You are under no obligation to do so, and all funds received will be used towards hosting and development costs. Doing this will hopefully ensure that the site remains free from ads and premium access charges. If you care to donate, please do. If not, then don't! At this time it's not imperitive that I get funds, but with the way traffic has been going, it could get to that point soon.

As always, comments and suggestions are appreciated!

Juntao Ta'kor
Master Creature Handler
Ahazi Galaxy
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Jan 08, 2004 7:56 am

Postby Tal-N » Thu Jan 08, 2004 8:26 am

Well since GarVa from the SWG offical forums banned me for saying his moderation was neo-nazi-like I guess I'll be around here for a while until I can get that sorted out (assuming it's not a temp ban) I'm off from work today without much to do so I'll get started on cataloguing the dna for Endor.

A minor suggestions too btw, it might be worth starting a featurette with the maps which contain notes to important animal POI spawns as well as regular regions where certain species spawn. ie. the Rancor plains which are west of the Dathomir Outpost.
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Postby Juntao » Thu Jan 08, 2004 9:54 am

That would be a great idea! I'll have to do some research into that!
Juntao Ta'kor

Master Creature Handler

Ahazi Galaxy
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Joined: Thu Jan 08, 2004 7:56 am

Postby Tal-N » Thu Jan 08, 2004 3:37 pm

I'll give you some hotspots for some of the more popular species later on, i also found that there's some very nice Nightsister versions of the Rancor in the cave outside the Nightsister stronghold.
MoJo JoJo
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Postby MoJo JoJo » Fri Jan 09, 2004 8:27 pm

Good to see your here Tal-N! I have missed your post's on the offical Site.
Just got back from Endor myslef and I came across a Stone Skinned Hanadak! Lord !!! He had All High resists.I dont have my notes here at work but he had 100%blast,95% ele,ect... all higher than anything i have seen.I tried to stick a needle in him but ,lol, he would detect me and beat me up but didn't DB me.I worked him for about an hour and the best I got was 14 meters before he would pounce!I did manage to tame 2 mature Hanadak babies while I played tag with stoney.I will post the stats I coppied from stoney later.He was up in the high deasert north of the smuggler outpost.A good place to sample. :)
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Postby Tom Bobbins » Sat Jan 10, 2004 1:50 am

Nice Work :)
TomtheScout Bobbins
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