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The big December CH patch

Relevant news about Creature Handlers and SWGCreatures
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The big December CH patch

Postby Juntao » Tue Dec 16, 2003 10:54 am

Well, I have added in forced registration and logging in before being allowed to enter in creature data. The amount of misinformation being entered in by anonymous users has risen to an unacceptable level. Thank you for being patient and taking the extra time to register and log in before adding creature data.

In other news, the patch has gone live as of today. Here are the relevant CH and BE changes:

Creature Balance: All creatures in the game have been balanced under one unifying scheme.

Creature Handler: The creature handler profession has been re-organized. Among the many changes are: The \"control level\" skillmod has been removed. You can call any pet up to the limit of your additional pets skillmod, but no more levels at one time than your \"tame level\" skillmod. The tame level skillmod also determines the maximum level pet you can call or tame.

  • The Tame Level skillmod has been redistributed throughout the tree, so only master creature handlers can call the highest level pets.
  • The Transfer command has moved to the Master Creature Handler skillbox.
  • The \"train as mount\" ability has moved to Management IV.

    Creature Trade-In Program: With the Creature Handler changes that are going into effect, players with pets from levels 10-15 will no long be usable, there will be a pet trade-in program. Player get attached to their pets, players will be able to visit Creature Handler NPC's and get a device to drag to the datapad. The device will transform their pets, carrying over it's name and commands to the new pet. The new pet will be of the same type, but of the correct level. Your favorite pet will stay your favorite pet

    General Changes:

  • Damage-over-time (DoT) effects (bleeding, poison, etc.) will no longer cause pets to randomly aggro on nearby PvP enemies.
  • There will now be a chance for boss type creatures to spawn from mission targets.
  • Major rebalance pass on all creatures to bring similar level creatures to the same power level and/or to have more powerful creatures con reflect a higher level.

    Pet Changes:

  • Pet following improved.
  • You can no longer command a pet that is outside when you are inside a building.
  • Factional pets will Only attack Declared-Overt targets (players or npcs)
  • Players will be allowed to transfer a pet-control-device even if it doesn't know the transfer command, if the pet is too-high level for them to call
  • Some creature types will spawn baby (tamable) creatures less often than others.
  • Fixed a bug that would allow players to call more pets than they should have been able to call in some situations.
  • Pets will autostore in 4 minutes if not revived medically, will absolutely not recap' naturally (from regenerating) for at least 2 minutes.
  • Pets will not recapacitate immediately.
  • When a pet is incap'd by NPCs or creatures, the AI will attack the pet's master, next.
  • Pets will always be considered to be grouped with their masters (by AI, that is), even when they aren't
  • Players can no longer complete a taming attempt while dead or incap'd
  • Unstored pets will not remain in the world after their owner has logged out for longer than 2 minutes, and current health info. etc. will properly be saved
  • Pets \"Hungry!\" and \"Play!\" spam will only be visible to the pet's master
  • Non-creature handlers cannot call pets of a higher level than 10, down from 15.
  • To see which commands your pet knows, select LIST COMMANDS from the pet control device.
  • Pets will not suffer from vitality loss more often that once per 5 minutes

    Creature Handler Specific

  • Creature Handlers will only receive 1 xp for using a pet to kill something less than half the level of the pet.
  • Using baby high-level creatures to kill low-level creatures will result in less xp being granted than previously. For purposes of determining xp only, the creatu
  • Last edited by Juntao on Tue Dec 16, 2003 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
    Juntao Ta'kor
    Master Creature Handler
    Ahazi Galaxy


    Postby Sheldron » Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:43 pm

    Well, I guess they wanted gaining XP for CH's about on par with Smugglers.....
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    Postby Juntao » Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:18 pm

    Yeah, I can see that really slowing down progression for CH's.

    I honestly didn't feel like it was really broken before. When I was mastering CH, it took me quite a while. Granted, I never did actually 'grind' per se, forgoing any fun and only seeking out the quickest way to gain CH XP.
    Juntao Ta'kor

    Master Creature Handler

    Ahazi Galaxy

    Postby » Tue Dec 16, 2003 3:17 pm

    this new patch blows! i am a master BE a master Medic novice fencer 0-0-0-1. and CH 2-3-0-0 using a taming enhancement i made. now i can only call a lvl 23 pet. i can't even call my lvl 29 bol mount i made. there needs to be bonuses for Be's to use the creatures they create up to like lvl 30 or something, since they nerfed all creatures lvl 30 and below.

    even with +26 to taming wild and vicious creature from my active tranqualizers i still can't pull my bol.

    this Bites.


    Postby » Fri Dec 19, 2003 2:02 pm

    Thanks SOE for f*cking everything up! I love it! you ass hats

    Postby » Fri Dec 19, 2003 5:58 pm

    THey didn't mess it up. In fact most of the Master Creature handlers are happy with the nerf of dabblers in the profession.

    That said I think a BE should have mod that will let them affect what level of creature they can call and use that they have made ONLY for personel use. I don't think this will happen, time and other things come to mind as why.

    IF you can't ride that Bol you made for you're self make a smaller one then. You are a BE. I lost my leser Bol Mount. I'm a CH so I could get a bigger one but with a CL of 10 I can call a combat critter and stay mounted while I kill things.

    Personaly with the changes for BE I would make a Kaadu or Spat, if I could get over riding poultry, with the highest CL I could and still control. Since the model/skin is what determies mount speed I would have the fastest mount and still have a combat pet. If I rember from the BE corrispondents posts a BE can make a low CL pet with the same specials that a Bol has on any one of the models/skins. YES, the BE only gets more model/skins not better pets with the cloning line now. You could make a Vir Vur with the same HAM and specials as you could make a Rancor. Why does Monty Python come to mind now?

    As for not being a BE I pay close attention to the BE and CH forums since they are both so closesly related. Form the looks of it I'm goiing to be an even bigger customer for my BE since the best pets at a given CL will be made and not tamed in the wild. To bad I can't go tame a CL 70 for him and then bring it to him for sampling. Would save him some time.

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